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2023 Eureka Program - Parents Survey 

The Eureka Program and our instructors highly value and appreciate your feedback.

This survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. 

Thank you for your participation!

Does your child communicate with you about their learning experience? (学生是否会跟您交流尤里卡项目的学习细节?)

Please make a selection for the following questions:

1. Eureka Coordinators and Advisors are responsive to requests (尤里卡负责协调的老师们对学生认真负责)
Strongly Disagree (非常不同意)Somewhat Disagree (有些不同意)Neutral (中立)Somewhat Agree (有些同意)Strongly Agree (非常同意)
2. Your child interacts well with his or her instructor (学生对教授指导的反馈很好)
Strongly Disagree (非常不同意)Somewhat Disagree (有些不同意)Neutral (中立)Somewhat Agree (有些同意)Strongly Agree (非常同意)
3. Your child receives support during their research (学生在学习过程中获得了必要的支持)
Strongly Disagree (非常不同意)Somewhat Disagree (有些不同意)Neutral (中立)Somewhat Agree (有些同意)Strongly Agree (非常同意)
4 Your child has gained a deeper understanding of his or her academic field (学生对学习的领域有了更深度的理解)
Strongly Disagree (非常不同意)Somewhat Disagree (有些不同意)Neutral (中立)Somewhat Agree (有些同意)Strongly Agree (非常同意)
5. I would recommend the Eureka Program to other students (您是否愿意把尤里卡项目推荐给他人)
Strongly Disagree (非常不同意)Somewhat Disagree (有些不同意)Neutral (中立)Somewhat Agree (有些同意)Strongly Agree (非常同意)

Thank you for your feedback!

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